Saturday, December 31, 2011

Part 2. The Founders of the Constitution clearly intended for the Bible to be taught in schools.

Lie Number One, The Constitution Teaches Separation of Church and State, Part b.

The Founders of the Constitution clearly intended for the Bible to be taught in schools.

How can we know what the U.S. Constitution intended concerning the relationship of the church with the state? They are many, who would totally separate religion, or more truthfully, morality from government, who cherry pick statements from our founders which seem to indicate their desire to separate Christianity from all government functions. Yes, I said, ‘Christianity,’ not religion, for that is their goal–to totally delete any reference of the morality of Christianity from the public scene. Their eventual goal is to wipe out Christianity from families and individuals, and to relegate practicing Christians to being fanatical and a danger to society. Any who do not believe this, are naive to the ways of those who hate morality.

Historical writings reveal the intent of Congress to use the Bible for inspiration in their dealings. In the case quoted below, to enable our first president, George Washington, to set aside a day of thanksgiving with prayer and thanks to God for his intervention and favor to the new republic.
Repeatedly in early congressional records, the Bible was used as the premise for discussions and law making as illustrated from this excerpt from the Congressional Record of September 25, 1789 asking President Washington to declare the first National Thanksgiving holiday. "Mr. [Elias] Boudinot (who was the President of Congress during the American Revolution) said he could not think of letting the congressional session pass over without offering an opportunity to all the citizens of the United States of joining with one voice in returning to Almighty God their sincere thanks for the many blessings He had poured down upon them. With this view, therefore, he would move the following resolution: Resolved, That a joint committee of both Houses be directed to wait upon the President of the United States to request that he would recommend to the people of the Un States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God . . . Mr. [Roger] Sherman (a signer of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution) justified the practice of thanksgiving on any signal event not only as a laudable one in itself, but as warranted by a number of precedents in Holy Writ . . . This example he thought worthy of a Christian imitation on the present occasion; and he would agree with the gentleman who moved the resolution . . . The question was put on the resolution and it was carried in the affirmative. Source: Straight Talk
We have gotten to the place where if this happened today, many voices would be raised which would criticize any congressional representative or senator making such a recommendation. We have obviously traveled a long way from our beginning.

A former speaker of the US House of Representatives, Robert Winthrop, recognized that people will be guided by a benevolent or malevolent power or authority. He strongly said if we would be free, we would submit to the teachings of the Bible:
Quoting Robert Winthrop (Former Speaker of the US House of Representatives):
Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled either by a power within them or by a power without them; either by the Word of God or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible or by the bayonet. (Source: Robert Winthrop, Addresses and Speeches on Various Occasions (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1852), p. 172 from his “Either by the Bible or the Bayonet.”) Source.
Founders intended for the Holy Bible to be used in schools for teaching morality.
1670 Indian Christian Church founded on Martha's Vineyard to educate Indians.

1690 Connecticut Law passed that children be taught to read so they can read Holy Scriptures.

1690 First New England Primer is published. The Alphabet is taught using Bible verses for each letter, and has questions on Bible moral teachings. The Primer contains children's prayers, the Lords Prayer, the Ten Commandments, the Shorter Catechism and questions on the Bible by Mr. Cotton. The New England Primer will be in wide use in American schools of all types public, private, home or parochial, for the next 200 years.

1699 Yale was founded by ten ministers in order to further the reformed Protestant religion. Students were required to read Scriptures morning and evening at times of prayer.

1717 Rev. Cotton Mather starts classes for Negroes and Indians to teach the 3 "R's" plus religion.

1769 Dartmouth-College is established for the education and instruction of youths in reading, writing and all parts of learning which shall appear necessary and expedient for civilizing and Christianizing the children.

1781 Congress approves the purchase of Bibles to be used in schools.

1787 Congress passes the Northwest Ordinance which is outlines requirements for governments of new territories so they can qualify for statehood. Article 3 of the Northwest Ordinance directs the people of the territories to establish schools "to teach religion, morality, and knowledge.” Nearly every state admitted to the Union after this has written in their State Constitution wording that the schools are to teach morality and religion and they all use the Bible as the bases for their teachings.

1802 Thomas Jefferson acting as President for Washington D.C. schools requires the Bible and the Watts Hymnal to be used in classrooms.

1808 Washington's Farewell Address is published as a separate text book. Washington's Address is looked upon as one of the most important political documents in American history. In the speech Washington emphases that for America to succeed it must have a moral society which can only come from roots in the Christian faith. This text book is used until 1960's.

1844 Girard proposes to teach morals without the Bible. The Supreme Court rules that American schools are to teach Christianity using the Bible. The case is argued and won by Daniel Webster. (Videl v. Girard) Dated comments source: An Outline History of Religion in American Schools. Click here for Source.

The above source contains more, but I have posted some that are very clear that the founders fully intended that the Bible, rather than religion, be taught in the public school system.
It is so clear, it would make one wonder why the modern generation is trying to convince us that the constitution prohibits the teaching of religion. It is clear, the modern post-Christian generation does not want the teachings of Jesus taught in our public schools. In subsequent articles, we will discuss this.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Lie number 1, Part a, separation of Church and State is incorporated in the U.S. Constitution.

Part 1
Lie number 1, Part a, What the First Amendment says and does not say.

Believers that the constitution provides for a separation of church and state claim the first amendment supports this theory. Does it? The first amendment, a part of the ten amendment Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

What does this amendment really say? First, Congress can not mandate a state religion or church, such as in England, which recognized the Church of England, i.e., The Anglican Church, as official church of the realm. The original passengers of the Mayflower that landed on the shores of Virginia in 1620, came so that they could worship as they pleased, and not be subject to a state church, nor be required to support it in taxes, only to find that the law of the land from 1624 mandated that white Virginians worship in the Anglican church of England) and support its upkeep with their taxes. Source.

The following paragraphs were taken from a web site owned by the Anti-Defamation League under an article titled: Separation of Church and State: A First Amendment Primer (Click here for article).

Public school teachers rightly function as important authority figures in the lives of their students. But, under the Constitution, their authority may not extend to matters of religious belief. According to the Supreme Court, the First Amendment requires that public school students never be given the impression that their school officially sanctions religion in general or prefers a specific faith in particular. Further, students must never feel coerced by peer or public pressure into adhering to the dictates of any religion.

Contrary to the claims of opponents of church-state separation, public school students enjoy very broad rights to act in accordance with their religious values and to practice their religious beliefs while at school. From words of grace whispered quietly before a meal in a cafeteria to prayer groups gathering before school at the flagpole, every day all over the country, students engage in constitutionally protected religious expression on public school grounds. Source.

With respect to the first paragraph, the U.S. Constitution nowhere prohibits teachers or other school officials authority over matters of religious beliefs. Authority includes the power to guarantee students not to be forced by other students or by the authority itself. Matters of religious belief is a broad topic. The second paragraph states, public school students enjoy very broad rights to act in accordance with their religious values and to practice their religious beliefs while at school. Within the past few years, this is no longer true. Students are limited in their free speech concerning their feeling and beliefs in racial, religious, political, and social matters, by what is now termed, as “political correctness.” Students have been expelled for wearing clothing which school officials ‘claim’ offend other students, while allowing Hispanic and other minority students those privileges. Some students at some schools have been stripped or their individual rights to worship contrary to the phrase or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech. As previously stated, this has been accomplished under the false authority of “political correctness.

Part b, to follow shortly.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


In the next few weeks, I intend to present a series of posts on lies our public schools teach our children. Why do I call them lies, rather than mistakes, misrepresentations, or maybe just opinions? Because they have been planted into our public and private schools with the knowledge knowing they were just that, lies, and they were planted for the very purpose of changing the beliefs of our citizens through molding the mindsets of our children.

Some lies have been taught for several generations, more so in our present one. These lies affect our newest citizens as they have and are still influencing most of our citizens. These lies also cause rifts between generations in our families, older family members tending to be conservative, which our young ones become more liberal.

Just as we were taught lies about George Washington, we were also taught lies about other U.S. presidents. We were taught falsehoods about the Bible, about Christianity, about political parties, and about science.

A common misconception, developed by a lies taught in our schools, is that the U.S. Constitution lays down the political doctrine of the Separation of Church and State. Is this true or false?

This will be the first lie I will post on this web site. Keep reading.